Queer Family Planning Health Fair

Thank you to the LGBTQ+ Human Milk Feeding committee, Aya Birth & Community Wellness, Emerald Doulas, LGBTQ Center of Durham, Rainbow Collective for Change, and Family Care PA!

The health fair aims to educate and support LGBTQ+ family planning and human milk feeding!

The fair features representatives from various queer affirming fertility assistance spaces, law offices that specialize in LGBTQ+ family building, medical practitioners and lactation consultants who specialize in working with the Queer community toward family building and human milk feeding, representatives from potential sperm banks, birth workers who specialize in working with Queer families, representatives from various human milk donation resources, and representatives of queer supportive adoption agencies.

The event offers a platform for attendees to engage with various representatives through panel discussions and health fair type booths of information, among other activities.

Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions in a public Q & A and also engage in general Queer community building activities.

For more information and to register: https://breastfeeddurham.org/events/queer-family-planning-health-fair-2023/