Stakeholder Spotlight: Supporting Employees at The Little School of Hillsborough

Front porch and door of The Little School of Hillsborough

The Little School of Hillsborough continues to welcome and support breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and human milk feeding families and employees!

Breastfeed Orange NC is grateful for their support as a community partner and employer, an advocate, and a stakeholder!

While we can lift up the work of The Little School of Hillsborough, we cannot say it as well as those who are part of The Little School community. Courtney Grasty, Atelierista at The Little School, kindly shared the experience of going back to work after having a baby.

We are delighted and greatly privileged to share Courtney’s story with you. After you read about the meaningful and long-lasting impact that lactation support provides, learn how you can create similar experiences for employees in your childcare program or even in other organizations and businesses.

“Going back to work after having a baby is a monumental transition for mother and baby. I was breastfeeding on demand for four months and was a little apprehensive about trying to schedule feeds and how all of that would go. I was so fortunate to have my baby at work with me (in her own classroom in a different building). I also knew that there had been a room designated for breastfeeding mothers so I felt accepted and safe to continue breastfeeding my baby in the workplace. I split my lunchtime into 15-minute segments and fed her in the morning, midday, and afternoon. It was glorious, I felt safe and seen and I desperately wanted to see, hold and feed her, especially in the beginning. For me, the experience allowed for a much needed balance of new motherhood and self-respect in the workplace. Yes, I know self-respect might sound odd but I felt like my choice to breastfeed in no way diminished my ability to effectively do my job and more importantly that my administrators agreed. I never felt ashamed for having to walk away for a few minutes. I never had to wonder if I was seen as less of an employee or if my coworkers were put upon to help facilitate that. The culture around breastfeeding schoolwide was one of acceptance and assistance. I am grateful that was my experience. I know not everyone can say that. That I had the space literally and figuratively to breastfeed my little baby was so important to my peace of mind during a time that peace of anything is hard to come by.”

Courtney Grasty,  Atelierista at The Little School of Hillsborough

Wondering Where to Start in Your Program?

One place to start is where The Little School of Hillsborough started. Originally, staff used to switch classrooms so that an employee could directly breastfeed their infant while all rooms remained in ratio and properly supervised. For those who are operating at maximum capacity/ratio, you may need a support staff member to enable the switch, just as you do for restroom breaks.

You also might consider starting in the place where The Little School of Hillsborough is now. They have reassessed their practice and are able to allow the teacher to remove themselves from the ratio. This change reflects the firm belief at The Little School that the parent should be present with their child and should not have to multitask in those moments.

Thank you to The Little School of Hillsborough! You have created a welcoming and safe place for breastfeeding employees to continue to meet their infant feeding goals. 

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A picture of a family in a heart with the text: Thank You!

Thank You to The Little School of Hillsborough!