
< March 2025 >
2 3La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding Café
10:00 am - 11:00 am
La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding CaféTime: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
1:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 1:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
3:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 3:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon Cafe
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon CafeTime: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check the announcement for meeting location: + Google calendar
4Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABY
12:00 pm
Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABYTime: 12:00 pm
Este servicio gratis ofrece educación para el embarazo, el parto y la atención posparto. Ready, Set, Baby ha sido actualizado recientemente para proporcionar orientación y recomendaciones sobre COVID-19.
+ Google calendar
La Leche League of Chatham County
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
La Leche League of Chatham CountyTime: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Online: Zoom 715-601-250 + Google calendar
5 6La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl Café
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl CaféTime: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
7La Leche League Chapel Hill - Morning Group
10:00 am - 11:30 am
La Leche League Chapel Hill - Morning GroupTime: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
In-person at University Baptist Church, Chapel Hill. Check out the website for more meetings: + Google calendar
8La Leche League Chapel Hill-Family Group
10:00 am - 11:30 am
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Family GroupTime: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check the announcement for meeting location: + Google calendar
9 10La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding Café
10:00 am - 11:00 am
La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding CaféTime: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
1:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 1:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
3:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 3:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon Cafe
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon CafeTime: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check the announcement for meeting location: + Google calendar
11Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABY
12:00 pm
Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABYTime: 12:00 pm
Este servicio gratis ofrece educación para el embarazo, el parto y la atención posparto. Ready, Set, Baby ha sido actualizado recientemente para proporcionar orientación y recomendaciones sobre COVID-19.
+ Google calendar
12La Leche League of Chapel Hill - Evening Meeting
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
La Leche League of Chapel Hill - Evening MeetingTime: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check the announcement for more meetings and locations: + Google calendar
13La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl Café
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl CaféTime: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
14 15
16 17La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding Café
10:00 am - 11:00 am
La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding CaféTime: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
1:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 1:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
3:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 3:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon Cafe
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon CafeTime: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check the announcement for meeting location: + Google calendar
18Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABY
12:00 pm
Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABYTime: 12:00 pm
Este servicio gratis ofrece educación para el embarazo, el parto y la atención posparto. Ready, Set, Baby ha sido actualizado recientemente para proporcionar orientación y recomendaciones sobre COVID-19.
+ Google calendar
19 20La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl Café
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl CaféTime: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
21 22
23 24La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding Café
10:00 am - 11:00 am
La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding CaféTime: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
1:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 1:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
3:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 3:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon Cafe
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon CafeTime: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check the announcement for meeting location: + Google calendar
25Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABY
12:00 pm
Clase de educación prenatal virtual: READY, SET, BABYTime: 12:00 pm
Este servicio gratis ofrece educación para el embarazo, el parto y la atención posparto. Ready, Set, Baby ha sido actualizado recientemente para proporcionar orientación y recomendaciones sobre COVID-19.
+ Google calendar
La Leche League of Alamance County
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
La Leche League of Alamance CountyTime: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Online: Zoom 715-601-250 + Google calendar
26 27La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl Café
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
La Leche League of Chapel Hill Night Owl CaféTime: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
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30 31La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding Café
10:00 am - 11:00 am
La Leche League Chapel Hill Breastfeeding CaféTime: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check out the website for meeting location: + Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
1:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 1:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABY
3:00 pm
Prenatal Education Classes online: READY, SET, BABYTime: 3:00 pm
*No classes held in observance of holidays.
+ Google calendar
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon Cafe
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
La Leche League Chapel Hill-Afternoon CafeTime: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Parent-to-parent support. Meetings include pregnant, new, and experienced parents and their babies. No matter what the meeting topic, all questions are welcomed.
Check the announcement for meeting location: + Google calendar