Our Vision, Mission, and Goals


Breastfeed Orange NC envisions a safe and welcoming community in Orange County for families to meet their infant feeding goals.


The mission of Breastfeed Orange NC is to promote community-led action to create a more breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and human milk feeding family friendly community by advocating for policies and practices that support families to meet their infant feeding goals, using a Ten Steps approach that complements the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF guidelines.


Breastfeed Orange NC is a community-wide program to impact Health Equity.

We advocate for breastfeeding, chestfeeding and human milk feeding friendly policies and practices in our governments and the healthcare, childcare, and educational systems in our community. We offer resources and assistance to employers to provide lactation policies and practices for employees and encourage statewide and national efforts for paid family leave. We celebrate the work of our local governments, healthcare, businesses, organizations, schools, and the whole community to provide a safe, welcoming environment that supports lactating families.

With your help, Breastfeed Orange NC will make changes. For more information, please contact Kathleen at orangenc@breastfeedingcommunities.org.

Visit us on Facebook and Instagram.